Posted in FOSS@Amrita

The Journey never ends

Four years have passed and my college life has almost come to an end. Well, as we all know time flies and waits for none. I was never a computer enthusiast and did not have any particular reason for taking up Computer Science for my bachelor’s degree. But now I am more passionate and do not regret my decision at all and the FOSS club at my university has played a major role in that.

It is FOSS@Amrita that made me explore, learn and love the work that I do. When I joined the club, I did not have many expectations and all I wanted was to equip myself with something. That turned out to be one of the best decisions that I have made. In the first year, all of us were assigned a mentor who was a senior student and we started off by learning some programming languages and doing small projects. The club does not follow a spoon-feeding culture and thereby gives us the freedom to make mistakes and learn the hard way. There are mentors and guides who are always ready to hear our problems and help us through the difficult times. Many people, including my family, have asked me how I could manage both academics and the club activities. To be honest, I have never found a problem in handling both of them together and in fact, one thing that I have understood is that when you really want to do something, somehow we will find a way.

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