Posted in Skills Table

Elasticsearch – Important terms

Elasticsearch is an open source search and analytics engine developed in Java. Elasticsearch admits JSON documents and is designed to take data from anywhere. So we don’t have to define fields and datatypes before adding data unlike in the case of relational databases. Communication with the search server is done with an HTTP REST API. ElasticSearch provides a REST API, which we will use to upload data, and later retrieve it. Elasticsearch is a near real-time search engine. If one makes a change to one of the index, this change is propagated throughout the cluster within one second unlike in relational databases. This makes it scalable. In elasticsearch, index corresponds to a database, type to a table, document to row, fields of a document to a column and mapping to a schema.

Near Real Time (NRT):

It is a near real-time search engine. If one makes a change to one of the index, this change is propagated throughout the cluster within one second unlike in relational databases. This makes it scalable.


It is a collection of one or more nodes, consists of one or more nodes making it extremely scalable. The collection of nodes contains all the data in the cluster. A Cluster provides indexing and search capability across all of the nodes, no need to worry on which node the document is stored. Clusters are identified by a unique name that defaults to elasticsearch. Continue reading “Elasticsearch – Important terms”

Posted in Skills Table

Installing Elasticsearch

Elasticsearch is an open source search and analytics engine developed in Java. It is developed by a company called elasticsearch B V but elasticsearch is open source search and analytics engine. ElasticSearch provides a REST API, which we will use to upload data, and later retrieve it. Elasticsearch is a near real-time search engine. Elasticsearch requires at least Java 8. It is recommended that you use the Oracle JDK version 1.8.0_73.

Installing Java

$ sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:webupd8team/java

$ sudo apt-get update

$ sudo aptitude -y install oracle-java8-installer

$ java -version

Installing Elasticsearch

Windows users:

Download the zip package and unzip the zip package.

Run the elasticsearch.bat file

The zip and tar.gz packages are suitable for installation on any system:

$ curl L O

$ tar xvf elasticsearch5.0.0.tar.gz

$ cd elasticsearch5.0.0/bin

$ ./elasticsearch Continue reading “Installing Elasticsearch”